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Products>>Aquaculture>>Oxygen Booster

Oxygen Booster

Fish, Shrimp, Crab, Soft-shelled turtle, Eel, Turtle, Seashell and other aquatic animals
It is a new generation of oxygen booster, green and high-efficiency. It can increase oxygen very quickly in water for aquaculture and aquarium fish. When oxygen content is too low in water, it is very easy to result into hypoxia of fish and shrimp, degrading of water and diseases happen. Throw this product in water directly. It sinks down to the bottom of pond and release oxygen at once. Thus, Oxygen can be increased from the bottom of water. Meanwhile, it can absorb and subside the dust and organic substances in water, and reduce ammonia nitrogen, nitrite and sulfureted hydrogen and toxin of alga in water. It is very effective to avoid hypoxia and death of aquatic animals, resulted by lack of oxygen.
Appearance:                   White tablet
Active ingredients:        Sodium percarbonate, Deodorant, Potentiator
Tablet weight:                0.4-0.5g/tablet
Active oxygen:                12-14%

  1. Take high-tech and slow-release technology, can release oxygen in 24-48 hours. Use easily and has good stability.
  2. Take panel releasing mode of oxygen. Make the micro and smaller oxygen bubbles touch widespread with water and blend in water completely, decrease the overfall of oxygen, and increase the utilization rate of oxygen.
  3. When increasing oxygen, it is also effective to eliminate odor, relieve toxicity and improve environment at the bottom of pond.
  4. It is a green product, no side effect. It is applicable for all kinds of aquaculture.


  1. Improve water environment and water quality. Promote the conversion of harmful substances in water, effectively oxidize the sediment and organic substances at the bottom of pond, and avoid nigrescence, heat and odor of sediment.
  2. if using this product regularly, it is effective to reduce the content of organic substances at pond bottom,
  3. If using one time per 2-3 days, it can avoid the stress of aquatic animals, resulted by hypoxia, temperature change, weather change, drag fishing and transportation, etc.

Direction of Use:Throw it in water directly.

  1. 150-300g/1000m2/m, one time per 15 days.
  2. Increase dosage, when degrading of sediment at the bottom of pond.

Packaging:500g/bag, 25bags/carton
Storage:      Keep in ventilated and dry place and avoid light.
Shelf life:     24 months in original packaging.



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